Saturday, November 5, 2011

final paper:)

The slum is the measure of civilization”- Jacob Riss. A slum is a run-down area of a city characterize by poor housing and lack of security. A slum could affect human populations such as increasing population, increasing the number diseases, and they are unsanitary and dirty. Now to begin with how slums increase human population.
Slums increase human population because more than half of the human population lives in slums. Like in it said on this Source: “Although Mumbai is India’s commercial capital and rents for luxury apartments are some of the highest in the world, it is estimated that more than half the city’s population live in slums”- source 3(urbanization, 2011). Usually people that live there is because they immigrate and they immigrate because of industrialization. Slums are real cheap if someone doesn’t have any money they still can survive. Houses are made of mud and it is hard to survive, but some people still do it. If a slum relocate instead of becoming smaller it becomes larger. And that causes that slums made the population grow. In addition slums can also increase the human population.
Slums can also increase the number of diseases because they do not have enough money to buy medicine or pay for a doctor. That causes them to spread the disease around. On source 2 it says “A slum life is cheap" (Fink 2006). From this quote can me concluded that the people that live in slums don’t have enough money. Because in slums don’t have money to buy medicine or for the doctor, and causes to spread the disease around to other people and it continues like that. In addition diseases are also cause in slums because of bad sanitation.

All of slums are unsanitary and dirty. In source 2 it is said that “The houses are made of mud and they’re very crowded. And the slum is very dirty as you can see”- Ongera (Fink 2006). The quote shows that slums are very dirty and crowded, but also unsanitary. Slums are very unsanitary, they have no toilets, or where people could take showers. If they want to shower they have to do it in public restrooms and the restrooms are still very dirty. Therefore slums can cause a lot of things to human population.
“The slum is the measure of civilization”-Jacob Riss. From the reading it is clear that slums affect humans such as increasing the population in a country, increasing the number of diseases, and they are dirty. It is also learn that slums can bring the population to grow because of the people who immigrate, that slums cause the increase of diseases due to not having money, which leads to slums being unsanitary and dirty and that also causes diseases. Slums exist all over the world and there is nothing we could do to stop them.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

MLA Citation

"Urbanization." World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. ABC-CLIO, 2011.Web.2011. <>.
Fink, Sheri. "Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya)." Public Radio International: TheWorld.18Dec, 2006.Web.2011. <>.
Blythe, Nils. "BBC NEWS | Business | Mumbai's Slum Life Poses World Problem." BBC News - Home. 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 2011. <>.
Eaves, Elisabeth. "Two Billion Slum Dwellers -" Information for the World's Business Leaders - 6 Nov. 2006. Web. 2011. <>.

Rough Draft

The slum is the measure of civilization”- Jacob Riss. A slum is a run-down area of a city characterize by poor housing and lack of security. A slum could affect human populations such as increasing population, increasing the number diseases, and they are unsanitary and dirty. Now to begin with how slums increase human population.
Slums increase human population because more than half of the human population lives in slums. “Although Mumbai is India’s commercial capital and rents for luxury apartments are some of the highest in the world, it is estimated(urbanization, 2011) that more than half the city’s population live in slums”- source 3. Usually people that live there is because they immigrate and they immigrate because of industrialization. Slums are real cheap if you don’t have any money you still can survive. Houses are made of mud and it is hard to survive, but some people still do it. If a slum relocate instead of becoming smaller it becomes larger. And that causes that slums made the population grow. In addition we have that slums increase the number of diseases.
Slums can also increase the number of diseases because they do not have enough money to buy medicine or pay for a doctor. That causes them to spread the disease around. “A slum life is cheap”- source 2. From this quote it can be concluded that the people that live in slums don’t have enough money. Because in slums don’t have money to buy medicine or for the doctor, and causes to spread the disease around to other people and it continues like that. In addition diseases are also cause in slums because of bad sanitation.
All of slums are unsanitary and dirty. “The houses are made of mud and they’re very crowded. And the slum is very dirty as you can see”- Ongera- source 2. The quote shows that slums are very dirty and crowded, but also unsanitary. Slums are very unsanitary, they have no toilets, or where people could take showers. If they want to shower they have to do it in public restrooms and the restrooms are still very dirty. Therefore slums can cause a lot of things to human population
The slum is the measure of civilization”-Jacob Riss. A slum could affect human populations such as increasing population, increasing the number diseases, and they are unsanitary and dirty. From this it is learn that slums can bring the population to grow because of the people who immigrate, that slums cause the increase of diseases due to not having money, which leads to slums being unsanitary and dirty and that also causes diseases. Slums exist all over the world and there is nothing we could do to stop them.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

introduction paragraph

   "The slum is the measure of civilization”- Jacob Riss. A slum is a run-down area of a city characterize by poor housing and lack of securityA slum could affect human populations such as increasing population, increasing the number diseases, and they are unsanitary and dirty. Now to begin with how slums increase human population.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Outline structure.

I. Introduction:
  • -     Hook:The slum is the measure of civilization”- Jacob Riss.
  • -      Introduce: A slum is a run-down area of a city characterize by poor housing and lack of security.
  • -      Thesis statement: A slum could affect human populations such as increasing population, increasing the number diseases, and they are unsanitary and dirty.
  • -     Transition: now to begin with how slums increase human population.

II. Defendable point #1
  • -      Main idea: Slums increase human population because more than half of the human population lives in slums.
  • -      Supporting evidence:
o   Quote: “Although Mumbai is India’s commercial capital and rents for luxury apartments are some of the highest in the world, it is estimated that more than half the city’s population live in slums”- source3
o   Paraphrase: Usually people that live there is because they immigrate and they immigrate because of industrialization.
-      Explanation: Slums are real cheap if you don’t have any money you still can survive. Houses are made of mud and it is hard to survive, but some people still do it. If a slum relocate instead of becoming smaller it becomes larger. And that causes that slums made the population grow.
-      Transition: In addition we have that slums increase the number of diseases.
    III. Defendable point #2:
  • -      Main idea: Slums can also increase the number of diseases because they do not have enough money to buy medicine or pay for a doctor. That causes them to spread the disease around.
  • -      Supporting evidence:
o   Quote: “ slum life is cheap”- source 2
o   Paraphrase: From this quote it can be concluded that the people that live in slums don’t have enough money.
  • -      Explanation: Because in slums don’t have money to buy medicine or for the doctor, causes to spread the disease around to other people and it continues like that.
  • -      Transition: In addition diseases are also cause in slums because of bad sanitation.
IV. Defendable point #3
  • -      Main idea: All of slums are unsanitary and dirty.
  • -      Supporting evidence:
o   Quote: “The houses are made of mud and they’re very crowded. And the slum is very dirty as you can see”- Ongera- source 2
o   Paraphrase: the quote shows that slums are very dirty and crowded, but also unsanitary.
  • -      Explanation: Slums are very unsanitary, they have no toilets, or where people could take showers. If they want to shower they have to do it in public restrooms and the restrooms are still very dirty.
  •     Transition: Therefore slums can cause a lot of thing to human population
  V. Conclusion:

  • -      Hook: The slum is the measure of civilization”-Jacob Riss.
  •    Restate thesis: A slum could affect human populations such as increasing population, increasing the number diseases, and they are unsanitary and dirty.
  • -      Summarize arguments: From this it is learn that slums can bring the population to grow because of the people who immigrate, that slums cause the increase of diseases due to not having money, which leads to slums being unsanitary and dirty and that also causes diseases.
  •    Something to think about: Slums exist all over the world and there is nothing we could do to stop them.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thesis Statement

A slum could affect human populations such as increasing population, increasing the number diseases, and they are unsanitary and dirty.